The fall Antiques & Old Stuff Show is just three weeks away and we are ready for a party in the hen house! We are back with this week’s Dealer Spotlight to get you ready for the fall show. For our dealer this week, you may recognize her from last show’s Seven Fresh Dealers Coming to the Hen House. Well, Terri Endrodi is bringing back her Itty Bitty Vintage Shop for this fall show and we want you to discover how her passion for antiquing developed into a well-known vintage brand.
Tell us, how did your vision and passion for antiquing begin?
Well, I moved to California just over six years ago with hopes of opening my own business and buying a home. It was quite a shock to see the cost of doing business here, so I came up with an alternative plan. I bought myself a vintage trailer to refurbish and repurpose into a business.
Originally, I wanted to go into the baking business. After some trial and error, I realized I needed to change focus. I started selling off some of my vintage collectibles at local swap meets from my trailer. Now, instead of a mobile business named Itty Bitty Bakery, it turned into the Itty Bitty Vintage Shop!

How did you learn so much about antiquing?
As a novice, I didn't know very much about antiquing at all, so I kept my corporate job. About three years ago, I decided to follow my passion and give this vintage picking and selling a full-time shot! Once I started picking and selling full-time, I figured things out pretty quickly, made some connections in the business, and realized I needed to buy low and sell high – just not too high!
I started selling more and more at local flea markets including the Rose Bowl, Long Beach Antique Market, and Topanga Vintage Market, where I now sell regularly every month.
Knowing that social media is critical, I started working on Instagram posting like a mad woman. Gaining followers was my goal!

How did Itty Bitty become, well…Itty Bitty?
Itty Bitty is a 1962 Shasta Compact. She is 10 feet in length, 13 total with the tongue. When I purchased her nearly five years ago, she was quite a wreck and had been sitting in a gentleman's yard for 11 years. She was filled with trash, bugs, and dead animals - but I had a vision. She has undergone a few renovations and rehabs. I can say she's had quite a few miles put on her over the past five years and I can see many more miles in her future.
So, did the Itty Bitty catch on?
Itty bitty has become quite an entity unto herself. I love it when I walk through the flea market or someone sees me out at swap meet and hollers "Hey, it's Itty Bitty!"
I still consider myself a novice, and I try to learn, watch, and absorb from those more seasoned pickers and sellers around me. Luckily, I've been told I have quite an eye for the things that I pick and sell!

What are your future goals for the Itty Bitty Vintage Shop?
It is my goal in the future to start traveling more and attending markets in many other states, which will enable me to see this beautiful country - one of the main reasons why I do what I do. I love traveling, taking pictures and meeting many amazing people in many small towns and back roads across this country.
Be sure to give a holler to Terri and Itty Bitty on September 29 & 30, at the fall Antiques & Old Stuff Show! Purchase a SUPER Early Bird ticket to be the first person through the gates at 7 am on Saturday.