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Dealer Spotlight: Vintage Unlimited

Business Name: Vintage Unlimited. Curating Vintage & Eclectic Collections

Contact: Stefani Meyer & Erin Isom

Phone: 831-537-8771

Instagram- @vintage.unlimited.finds

Q&A with Stefani & Erin!

Tell us about your business.

We have a ton of true vintage items. None of this repro stuff. Have you been in your grandparent’s attic recently? Come visit us, it’ll be a walk down memory lane. 

How long have you been in business? 

Since 2022

How many years have you participated in our show? The Fall show will be our 5th Three Speckled Hens show!

What makes your business unique?

We collect, curate, and sell nostalgia.

We try to keep it fresh (yes it’s possible even with a bunch of old stuff) and a little funky.

We have a sixth sense about cool vintage stuff of all sorts. 

Who is your target audience?

We love selling to people who just have to have it because of the memory it evokes. Almost 100% of what we have is vintage. 

What has been your most memorable experience at our show? 

We thoroughly enjoy the vibe of Three Speckled Hens. Before we were Vintage Unlimited, we were customers for many years. 

 How can attendees contact you after the show?

Email or Instagram is the best way. 

 Is there anything specific you’d like attendees to know about your business before visiting your booth?

We love people and love to hear stories about their memories. We also love learning more about our “stuff”. If you know about the items, please share. 

You will find Vintage Unlimited in Booth # 234 in The Frontier Town area at The Paso Robles Event Center on October 4th & 5th!

We look forward to seeing you at our Fall Show!

The Hen House

Three Speckled Hens


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