We want to take some time to highlight some of the ways we support our local community and give back to the organizations that are near and dear to our hearts, like Jack’s Helping Hand and the Farm Bureau Women’s program.
Farm Bureau Women
One of the amazing groups that we hold near and dear to our hearts is the Farm Bureau Women. They have hosted a booth at our Antiques and Old Stuff Shows for as long we can remember! Currently, there are only a half dozen Farm Bureau Women groups still remaining, and our local chapter is the only one remaining west of the Rocky Mountains! Hen Kathy has been an influential part in this chapter for many years, as was her mother-in-law.
We love being able to showcase this wonderful organization at our shows because all of the funds they raise through their booth go directly to scholarships for young emerging graduating high school seniors in the county. Farm Bureau Women provide support for any high school seniors to achieve the training and education needed to become powerful advocates for today’s agriculture. All of the Hens have had children and close neighbors that received scholarships from the Farm Bureau Women that allowed them to flourish academically in their area of interest!
When these wonderful women first set up a booth at one of our shows, they sold vintage aprons, handmade brooms and their famous bean soup mixture. We would buy a few aprons from them every year as gifts for all of the women in our families! Today, they bring their own personal antiques to sell at the shows, and all of the proceeds are donated to their cause. If you want to learn more about Farm Bureau Women and support their cause, stop by their booth during our next show. Don’t forget to pick up their classic bean soup kit – it will be the best bean soup you have ever tried!
Jack’s Helping Hand
Jack’s Helping Hand and the Ready family that founded the organization have held a special place in the Hens’ hearts for a very long time. After going through a tragic experience with their son Jack, the Readys realized that many families of children with disabilities and special needs require assistance to support their family. They made it their mission to be that support system for families in our community.
The Three Speckled Hens first invited Jack’s Helping Hand to be a part of the Antique and Old Stuffs Show in 2010 and have since raised $20,000 for the cause. What first drew the Hens to this inspirational program is that all of the funds raised stay within the San Luis Obispo County community and provides support for families and children with cancer or special needs.

The Hens love working with Jack’s Helping Hand and witnessing how they swoop in at the drop of a hat for any family in need. When Jack’s Helping Hand comes across families in need of emergent care, they will help the family with hotel stays, travel expenses, and all the support, guidance and compassion that they might need. They are there to help families work through their medical crises when no else has the time or knowledge of where to turn. Throughout the years, the Hens have made many calls to Jack’s Helping Hand and not once did they ever deny a family any kind of support. This held a special place in their hearts and they decided that this was the foundation they wanted to support with their antique shows.
After reaching out to Paul and Bridget Ready who created the organization in memory of their son Jack, Jack’s Helping Hand set up their first booth at the spring Antiques and Old Stuff Show in 2010.

Every year, the Hens provide a donated booth space for Jack’s Helping Hand so that all proceeds are able to go directly to supporting their mission to give aid and assistance to the families of children with special needs. The Hens love that the members of this foundation will provide every aspect of support for families in need, so that all they have to worry about is caring and loving their children in need. Every year, their volunteers run the booth at our shows to a put a face to the name and to give back in any way possible.
If you would like to learn more about Jack’s Helping Hand or the Farm Bureau Women, please visit their websites at www.jackshelpinghand.org and www.fb.org, and be sure to check out their booths at the next Three Speckled Hens Antique and Old Stuff Show.